Read Google Spreadsheet data into Pandas Dataframe
Many a times it happens that we have our data stored on a Google drive and to analyze that data we have to export the data as csv or xlsx and store it on a disk to convert into a dataframe.
To over come this problem of Exporting and loading the data into Pandas Dataframe, I am going to show how you can directly read the data from a Google Sheet into a Pandas Dataframe.
For this Exercise I am going to use the UCI Wine Data Set: source:
import pandas as pd
Ensure that the Spreadsheet containing the data is opened in a GoogleSheet:
Copy the URL from the Address Bar:
google_sheet_url = ‘’
Replace “edit#gid” text in the google_sheet_url variable above with “export?format=csv&gid” so your new google_sheet_url should look like this
new_google_sheet_url = ‘’
**import pandas as pd**
Use Pandas read_csv function to read the WineQuality Data Spreadsheet:
Voila!! the data is converted into a Dataframe without downloading the csv file