7 minute read

Regex is a group of characters which helps to find pattern within a string. Regex is used in lot of applications including the search engines, search and for find and replace in text documents

Being a Data Scientist it is good to know regex which is found useful in data cleaning since it helps to identify text of a given pattern and perform operations like replace, count etc.

Every character in a regular expression is either a meta-character or a literal. For example: In regex b.?, b is a literal and . & ? is a meta-character

List of widely used Meta-characters:Permalink

Meta-Characters Description  
. Matches any character except a newline  
^ Matches start of the String  
$ Matches end of the String  
[] Indicate a Set of Characters  
[^] Match any character except given  
() capture and group  
    Match either abc or def
|Either escapes special characters or denotes special sequence    


Regex String Results  
a.c asc,apc,b6c,a5c ‘asc’, ‘apc’, ‘a5c’  
(^a.+\d) abad6c ‘abad6’  
(\d.+b$) abad6cb ‘6cb’  
\d([a-z]+)\d 197-63abd698-cdef ‘abd’  
\w([^a-z]+)\w abABCd ‘ABC’  
(\w.+) (\w.+) My hero (‘My’, ‘hero’)  
abc def 124-pdef9-24abc98 ‘def’,’abc’
* hgy*opt *  


A quantifier after a token or group specifies how often that a preceding element is allowed to occur.

The most common quantifiers are the question mark ?, the asterisk * and the plus sign +

List of common QuantifiersPermalink

Quantifier Description
? Match 0 or One repetitions of preceding RE
* Match 0 or more repetitions of preceding RE
+ Match 1 or more repetitions of preceding RE but not Zero. Will not match ac
{n} Matches exactly n copies of the preceding RE, it’s 2 here
{m,n} Match minimum of m and maximum of n repetitions of preceding RE


Regex String Results
ab?c ac ac
de*fg dfg dfg
ab+c abbbc abbbc
\d([a-z]+)\d 197-63abd698-cdef ‘abd’
a{2} 24abc98aa0 aa
c{3,4} aacccbbb ccc

Special Sequence:Permalink

it contains an escape character() followed by the below literals which gives them a special meaning

List of commonly used special sequencesPermalink

Meta-Characters Description
\d Matches decimal digits including [0-9]
\D Opposite of \d i.e. [^0-9]. Matches any character which is not decimal
\w [A-Za-z0-9_]
\W Matches any character which is not word character
\s Whitespace
\S Matches any character not whitespace
\b Matches empty string at start or end of a word
\B Matches empty string when not at start or end of a word


Regex String Results
\d Absdd45sd23sd ac
\D dfg dfg
\w abbbc abbbc
\W 197-63abd698-cdef ‘abd’
\s 24abc98aa0 aa
\S aacccbbb ccc
\b 24abc98aa0 aa
\B aacccbbb ccc

How to use Regular Expression in Python?Permalink

First import the regular expression module

import re

Convert Regex Expression into Regex Object using Compile

Compile function is used to convert a regular expression into a regular expression object. Which can be used with the functions match(), find(), search () etc.

import re
regex_obj = re.compile('STRE')

Output: re.compile(r’stre’, re.UNICODE)

Now use this regular expression object to find pattern in a string

search_str = 'NEWYORK15AVE26STREET'

We used search() function to find the pattern ‘STRE’ in search_str i.e. NEWYORK15AVE26STREET and the result is a Match Object

Output: <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(14, 18), match=’STRE’>

Commonly Used Regex methods and attributes in PythonPermalink

Search (Regex Extract)Permalink

It looks through the entire string and returns a match object where regex match is found or else returns a None

Lets find London in the given string using search() method

import re
expr = r'LONDON'

It returns a match object because LONDON is found in the second line. So you have seen search() looks for the pattern in multi-line mode as well.

Output: <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(41, 47), match=’LONDON’>

Note: span=(41,47) in the match object is the position of the string from 41 thru 46.


This method matches the regular expression at the beginning of String only and returns a Match Object. Unlike Search() it doesn’t look for the expression in a new line.

if you run the same regular expression on the string above then it returns a None

We change the expression to ‘NEWYORK’

import re
expr = r'NEWYORK'

It returns a match object because NEWYORK matches the beginning of the string

Output: <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 3), match=’NEW’>


split is used to split the string using the compiled pattern. if no pattern is passed then space is used.

We are splitting this string ‘5A123B456C7’ on any character between A-Z

import re
re.split('[A-Z]+', '5A123B456C7')

Output: [‘5’, ‘123’, ‘456’, ‘7’]

split with flag ignore casePermalink

You can use the re.IGNORECASE flag to ignore the case for splitting, if I re-write the above expression like this it will give the same output

re.split('[a-z]+', '5A123B456C7',flags=re.IGNORECASE)

Output: [‘5’, ‘123’, ‘456’, ‘7’]


You can also specify the maximum number of split that you want for the given string.

We will just pass the maxsplit value as 1 in the above expression

re.split('[a-z]+', '5A123B456C7',1,flags=re.IGNORECASE)

It just splits the string one time only because we passed the maxsplit value = 1

Output: [‘5’, ‘123B456C7’]


It Returns all non-overlapping matches of pattern in string, as a list of strings

Find all the Characters after a number in the String

expr = r'\d([A-Z])'
str = '5A123B456C7'

The output is A,B and C because A follows 5 and B follows 3 and C follows 6 in the string.

All these characters are returned as a list of strings

Output: [‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’]


it returns an iterable match object.

Get all the characters from the string as an iterator

expr = r'\w'
str = '5A123B456C7'

Output: <callable_iterator at 0x255dbf58978>

Now lets iterate through this object and get all the characters of the string

 [item.group() for item in itrobj]

Output: [‘5’, ‘A’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘B’, ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘C’, ‘7’]

Sub (Regex replace)Permalink

It replaces the matching pattern with the given value starting from left to right

We will replace all characters which are followed by a digit in the given string with the character ‘C’

expr = r'\d([A-Z])'
str = '5A123B456C7'

Output: ‘T12T45T7’

Maximum number of pattern occurrences to be replacedPermalink

Now we will use count parameter to define the maximum number of patterns found that needs to be replaced. will pass the count value = 2

# sub - replace
expr = r'\d([A-Z])'
str = '5A123B456C7'
re.sub(expr,'T',str, count=2)

You can see only the first two characters after a digit is replaced. the third character is not replaced and still it’s ‘C’

Output: ‘T12T456C7’


It returns a tuple with the replaced string and the number of replacement that is done

expr = r'\d([A-Z])'
str = '5A123B456C7'

So in the above case with count=2 it returns (‘T12T456C7’, 2)

Groups in Python regexPermalink

group returns the subgroups of the match. if there is a single argument then it returns a single value and if there are multiple argument then a tuple of matched strings are returned.

expr = r'(\w+) (\w+)'
str = '5A123B 4T56C7'

Get Entire match subgroupsPermalink


it returns tuple of both the matched string i.e. the entire match subgroups

Output: (‘5A123B 4T56C7’)

Get the first matched groupPermalink


Output: ‘5A123B’

Get the Second matched groupPermalink


Output: ‘4T56C7’

Start and End in groupPermalink

If you want to know the index of the match group in the string then use start for the starting position index of matched pattern and end for the ending position index

Here is an AddressPermalink

Address = "12 Downing StreetBoulevard,Fischer Ave, Kraigal, PY"

We want to Read the Address after stripping Boulevard and using start and end group function

addmatch = re.search('Boulevard',Address)
Address[:addmatch.start()] + Address[addmatch.end():]

Output: ‘12 Downing Street,Fischer Ave, Kraigal, PY’

How to debug a Regular Expression?Permalink

debug function gives the debug statements for the regular expression like their ASCII characters and other details that help you to debug if the regular expression is syntactically correct or not

import re



expr = r'\d{2}(.+)\d{2}'


    ANY None

How to handle Error in Regular Expression?Permalink

An exception is raised when an invalid regular expression is passed to the function or when aan error occurs during compile.

Here we are passing \k an invalid sequence and it throws an exception when compiled.

# Error in Regex
expr = r'\d(\k)'
str = '5A123B456C7'
except re.error as e:

Output: bad escape \k at position 3


In this detailed post on regex we have covered the critical python functions associated and used for regular expression.

Here are some of the highlights from this post: that we have touched in this post:

  1. What are metachracters, Quantifiers and special sequences in regex
  2. How Regex is used in python and what are the commonly used regex methods and functions in python
  3. Groups in Python Regex and Debugging a regular expression
  4. Error handling in Regular Expression

I would say regex is more of practice and understanding the concept and it’s implementation to use it like a pro