2 minute read

In this post we are going to see how to perform reverse of explode

We will be following the below steps to implode a column in the dataframe:

  1. Create a dataframe
  2. Group the dataframe using desired columns
  3. Use Aggregate function to create list of values in a column for each group

Create Dataframe

Let’s create a dataframe with five columns - Area, Sales_million, Month, Gallons and Rank.

df=pd.DataFrame({'Area': ['North America']*5,
                 'Region': ['Midwest', 'Northeast', 
                            'Southwest', 'Midwest', 
             'Sales_million': [35, 45, 50, 45, 50],
             'Month': ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', "May"],
             'Gallons': [200, 215, 320, 220, 195],
             'Rank': [5, 2, 1, 4, 3]})


  Area Region Sales_million Month Gallons Rank
0 North America Midwest 35 Jan 200 5
1 North America Northeast 45 Feb 215 2
2 North America Southwest 50 Mar 320 1
3 North America Midwest 45 Apr 220 4
4 North America Northeast 50 May 195 3

Use Group by to aggregate columns

We want to group the dataframe on Area and Region and aggregate the values in column Gallons, Rank and Sales_million, and combine the value of Month in all rows into a single list

we will pass the list function for Month column in Groupby aggregate function, It will combine the value of Month column in one single list.

a) Aggregate columns and combine the values as list

      .agg({'Month': list,
            'Sales_million': 'sum'})


  Area Region Month Gallons Rank Sales_million
0 North America Midwest [Jan, Apr] 210 4.5 80
1 North America Northeast [Feb, May] 205 2.5 95
2 North America Southwest [Mar] 320 1.0 50

b) Rename columns

We will rename the columns to make it more meaningful and self explanatory.

NamedAggregation is used to to make it clearer what the arguments are and to control the output names with different aggregations per column

The values are tuples whose first element is the column to select and the second element is the aggregation to apply to that column.

         Month_list = 
            pd.NamedAgg(column = 'Month', 
                        aggfunc = list),
         Avg_gallon = 
            pd.NamedAgg(column = 'Gallons', 
                        aggfunc = 'mean'),
         Avg_rank = 
            pd.NamedAgg(column = 'Rank', 
                        aggfunc = 'mean'),
         Sum_sales_million = 
            pd.NamedAgg(column = 'Sales_million', 
                        aggfunc = 'sum')


  Area Region Month_list Avg_gallon Avg_rank Sum_sales_million
0 North America Midwest [Jan, Apr] 210 4.5 80
1 North America Northeast [Feb, May] 205 2.5 95
2 North America Southwest [Mar] 320 1.0 50

b) Combine the values across multiple columns as list

we want to combine the values of Avg_gallon, Avg_rank and Sum_sales_million into a single list. In short we want to combine the values of three columns into a single list horizontally

cols = ['Avg_gallon', 'Avg_rank', 'Sum_sales_million']
df1['group_gallon_rank_sales'] = df1[cols].values.tolist()
df1.drop(cols, axis=1)


  Area Region Month_list group_gallon_rank_sales
0 North America Midwest [Jan, Apr] [210.0, 4.5, 80.0]
1 North America Northeast [Feb, May] [205.0, 2.5, 95.0]
2 North America Southwest [Mar] [320.0, 1.0, 50.0]

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